Wild Crime
Crime, Documentary, Mystery
Follows the uniquely qualified team of special agents that are responsible for investigating crimes that occur in the National Park System, as they tackle cases and bring law and order to this public land.
Season 04 Episode 01 — Ain’t She Purty
An Alaska barista goes missing; cash is gone and surveillance video shows her walking away with a man. A text from her phone says she needs time away to think, but her dad is suspicious. Was she abducted? Police aren’t sure – until a ransom note arrives.
Wild Crime S04E01 480p x264-mSD (213 MB)
- clicknupload.name/mnps44372d46
- dailyuploads.net/5wtnazk558gd
- down.fast-down.com/vpr3wpzfucr9
- tbit.to/0se9tz51dzcv.html
- streamtape.com/v/8OjQ6kzX8qHGZx