Wild Crime
Crime, Documentary, Mystery
Follows the uniquely qualified team of special agents that are responsible for investigating crimes that occur in the National Park System, as they tackle cases and bring law and order to this public land.
Season 04 Episode 02 — You’ve Got Your Monster
After a deposit to her account, the missing barista’s ATM card makes a withdrawal. Video shows a masked man in a white Ford. A cop stops the car and finds her ATM card and phone, but no girl. Where is she? The man is arrested – but what has he done with Samantha?
Wild Crime S04E02 480p x264-mSD (197 MB)
- clicknupload.name/rt2zzb8yotb4
- dailyuploads.net/ltplld57r44k
- down.fast-down.com/fu38y1bmd7ah
- tbit.to/8qd01izt66nu.html
- streamtape.com/v/G96mKlG6DOf1r4q