Wild Crime
Crime, Documentary, Mystery
Follows the uniquely qualified team of special agents that are responsible for investigating crimes that occur in the National Park System, as they tackle cases and bring law and order to this public land.
Season 04 Episode 04 — Mask of Sanity
Israel Keyes says he killed others but demands being promised the death penalty before saying who. Then guards find eleven skulls drawn in Keyes’s own blood. Who are they? Before giving answers, Keyes suddenly shocks everyone with a dramatic and unexpected twist.
Wild Crime S04E04 480p x264-mSD (160 MB)
- clicknupload.name/x4in29i8m3g0
- dailyuploads.net/vdgfg7yvmrsq
- down.fast-down.com/yu6gaz0sdmqc
- tbit.to/e37k6nj7jnkn.html
- streamtape.com/v/qjWq1YrLoJUzlWv